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Penticton and Area Cycling Association

June Weekender Skills Clinic - Intermediate

Fri, 24 Jun 2022
24-06-2022 18:00
26-06-2022 14:00

PACA is offering a 3 day Intermediate MTB Skills Clinic for riders who would like to solidify the fundamentals of mtb'ing and take their skills to the next level. 

Also suitable for intermediate riders who would like to get to know the 3BM and meet other riders!

With a PMBIA Certified MTB Instructor, participants will take their skills to more technical terrain and learn some basic maneuvres (aka tricks)

Space is limited, group is capped at 6 riders! 

Friday evening will be at a field/open area, location TBA 6-8pm

Saturday and Sunday locations will be in the trails, location to be determined by the instructor based on the skill level of the group (Likely Three Blind Mice) 10-2pm'ish


PACA Membership Required



Ticket Type Price
June Weekender Skills Clinic - Intermediate $150.00 Sale Ended
Penticton, BC, Canada

Penticton, British Columbia, V2A 1N2, Canada

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